Tasklet Factory


You can find answers to your support-related questions in our FAQ below.
If you need to contact Support, please use our Service Desk to create a ticket.

Please Note!

Our support team will be at reduced capacity from December 23 to January 3, prioritizing core tasks with limited availability for development support. We appreciate your understanding.


Need Help?

You can access Tasklet Service Desk here

You can get help logging in here.

We will show you how to create a new ticket here.

Please send your email to support@taskletfactory.com to request access.

Please send your email to sales@taskletfactory.com to request access. If you already have access, you can log in here.

If you have a critical problem that requires urgent attention you can reach us via
our emergency phone: +45 7233 2030. It is also possible to escalate a Service Desk support case by sending an email to support@taskeletfactory.com.

IMPORTANT: Remember to note your Service Desk case number in your email.

You can find contact information for our sales team here or send us an email at sales@taskletfactory.com or call us on +45 7233 2000.